My gear


Last year I wanted to pick up an old hobby of mine. And since photography, actually camera's, have played a big part of my working life, I decided to buy an old Olympus OMn1 camera. A beautiful designed analogue camera and one of the best models of the seventies. Shooting my first real film role was a great experience, but like in the old days, It took several weeks before the 36 images were taken and not sure if all were well exposed so I had to wait until the film was developed. I also wanted them digitally, so I could play around with them on my Mac but this became a costly venture, so I decided to buy a second hand digital Olympus pen. The Olympus epl8. Editing behind the computer was intensely satisfying and great instant gratification. I was hooked!

I absolutely adored the vintage look and feel of the camera but I was a little disappointed with the lenses I bought. The quality of the pictures just wasn't good enough for me. Especially because I always shoot reflections of windows, which also tempers the sharpness. So I started to research the Olympus lenses and remembered what a seller told me when I bought a standard 40-150 mm from him. He sold it to me for the great price of just 50 euro's, because he was upgrading to the Olympus pro lenses. After visiting the Olympus website and watching several YouTube video's I was hooked. They are quite expensive, but I instantly fell in love with the Olympus 12-100 f4 pro. The range of 24 to 200, 35 mm equivalent, is absolutely stunning with a minimal loss of quality due to its zoom function. The wide range of framing an image, without the need for a prime lens change, to me, is brilliant while shooting street photography.

One of the great features of this lens is also it's built in 5 axis image stabilization. In combination with the built in stabilization of the camera it all adds up. So I could make amazing sharp images with just minimal lighting. But the Olympus EPL8, I recently purchased, has only 3 axis stabilization so I found a great used Olympus EM10 mark II online, this camera has, just like the lens, 5 axis image stabilization. Together they made a stunning 10! This is my favorite system now for all my images. A great set which give me a lot of freedom and pleasure!

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